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GefExtensions::RayHelper Class Referencefinal
Collaboration diagram for GefExtensions::RayHelper:

Static Public Member Functions

static void GetScreenPosRay (gef::Vector2 const &screen_position, gef::Matrix44 const &projection, gef::Matrix44 const &view, gef::Vector4 &start_point, gef::Vector4 &direction, float screen_width, float screen_height, float ndc_z_min)
static bool RaySphereIntersect (gef::Vector4 const &start_point, gef::Vector4 const &direction, gef::Vector4 const &sphere_centre, float sphere_radius, gef::Vector4 &hitpoint)
static bool RayPlaneIntersect (gef::Vector4 &start_point, gef::Vector4 &direction, gef::Vector4 const &point_on_plane, gef::Vector4 const &plane_normal, gef::Vector4 &hitpoint)

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